Black plate (99,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2012Infotainment System 7-99Voice Tag CommandsThe following are voice tagcommands that can be accessedby clearly stating the commandsexactly as they are written. Thereare up to 40 voice tag entries fordestinations.Navigation go to [destination],navigation select: Thesecommands instruct the system toselect a destination saved underthe voice tag you have stored. Thesystem prompts for a destinationname then waits for you to statethe name.If not currently driving on a route,the system automatically creates thevoice tag destination as the finaldestination. If driving on a route, thesystem automatically creates thevoice tag destination as a stopover.Up to three stopovers can becreated.Storing Voice TagsFrom the address book entryinformation page, press theAdd Voice tag screen button. Thesystem responds “Name Please?”and you will have four seconds torecord a name. The system asks forconfirmation of the name beforesaving it as a voice tag.Navigation HelpThis command instructs the systemto assist with navigation commands.Display CommandsUse the following display commandsto set the display mode.Display [set] day [mode]: Sets thedisplay to daytime mode.Display [set] night [mode]: Setsthe display to night mode.Display [set] auto [mode]: Setsthe display to automatic mode. Thesystem changes between day andnight mode automatically.System help: Instructs the systemto assist with display commands.Radio CommandsThe following are radio commandsthat can be accessed by clearlystating the commands exactly asthey are written.Radio [band] [select] AM,radio [band] [select] FM, radio[band] [select] XM (if equipped),radio [band] [select] satellite(if equipped): Instructs the systemto go to either the AM, FM, or XM(if equipped).Radio [select] (frequency) AM,radio [select] (frequency) FM:Instructs the system to go to aspecific frequency on either AMor FM.Radio [select] (channel) XM(if equipped), radio [select](channel) satellite (if equipped):Instructs the system to go to aspecific channel on the XM band(if equipped).