66 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSWith the engine running, press M orL to heat the left or right outboardseat cushion. An indicator on theclimate control display appears whenthis feature is on.Press the button once for the highestsetting. With each press of the button,the heated seat changes to the nextlower setting, and then the off setting.Three lights indicate the highestsetting, and one light indicates thelowest. If the heated seats are on high,the level may automatically belowered after approximately30 minutes.Rear SeatPass-Through DoorThe vehicle has a rear seatpass-through door in the center of therear seatback. Fold down the centerarmrest and pull the lever all the waydown to release the door.The pass-through door can be lockedor unlocked using the knob on theback of the door. Open the trunk toaccess the lock. Turn the knob towardQ to lock the door or away from Q tounlock the door.Seat BeltsThis section describes how to use seatbelts properly, and some things notto do.{ WarningDo not let anyone ride where a seatbelt cannot be worn properly. In acrash, if you or your passenger(s)are not wearing seat belts, injuriescan be much worse than if you arewearing seat belts. You can beseriously injured or killed by hittingthings inside the vehicle harder orby being ejected from the vehicle.In addition, anyone who is notbuckled up can strike otherpassengers in the vehicle.It is extremely dangerous to ride ina cargo area, inside or outside of avehicle. In a collision, passengersriding in these areas are more likelyto be seriously injured or killed. Do(Continued)