238 DRIVING AND OPERATING{ WarningIf a fire starts while you arerefueling, do not remove the nozzle.Shut off the flow of fuel by shuttingoff the pump or by notifying thestation attendant. Leave the areaimmediately.When replacing the fuel cap, turn itclockwise until it clicks. Make sure thecap is fully installed.Filling the Tank with a PortableGas CanIf the vehicle runs out of fuel andmust be filled from a portable gas can:1. Locate the capless funneladapter from under the carpet inthe trunk.2. Insert and latch the funnel intothe capless fuel system.{ WarningAttempting to refuel without usingthe funnel adapter may cause fuelspillage and damage the caplessfuel system. This could cause a fireand you or others could be badlyburned and the vehicle could bedamaged.3. Remove and clean the funneladapter and return to the storagelocation.Filling a Portable FuelContainer{ WarningNever fill a portable fuel containerwhile it is in the vehicle. Staticelectricity discharge from thecontainer can ignite the fuel vapor.(Continued)Warning (Continued)You can be badly burned and thevehicle damaged if this occurs. Tohelp avoid injury to you and others:. Dispense fuel only intoapproved containers.. Do not fill a container whileit is inside a vehicle, in avehicle's trunk, pickup bed,or on any surface other thanthe ground.. Bring the fill nozzle incontact with the inside of thefill opening before operatingthe nozzle. Contact should bemaintained until the filling iscomplete.. Do not smoke whilepumping fuel.. Avoid using electronicdevices.