176 DRIVING AND OPERATING. Acceleration Skid — too muchthrottle causes the driving wheelsto spin.Defensive drivers avoid most skids bytaking reasonable care suited toexisting conditions, and by notoverdriving those conditions. Butskids are always possible.If the vehicle starts to slide, followthese suggestions:. Ease your foot off the acceleratorpedal and steer the way you wantthe vehicle to go. The vehicle maystraighten out. Be ready for asecond skid if it occurs.. Slow down and adjust your drivingaccording to weather conditions.Stopping distance can be longerand vehicle control can be affectedwhen traction is reduced by water,snow, ice, gravel, or other materialon the road. Learn to recognizewarning clues — such as enoughwater, ice, or packed snow on theroad to make a mirrored surface— and slow down when you haveany doubt.. Try to avoid sudden steering,acceleration, or braking, includingreducing vehicle speed by shiftingto a lower gear. Any suddenchanges could cause the tires toslide.Remember: Antilock brakes help avoidonly the braking skid.Track Events andCompetitive Driving{ DangerHigh-performance features areintended for use only on closedtracks by experienced and qualifieddrivers and should not be used onpublic roads. High-speed driving,aggressive cornering, hard braking,and other high-performance drivingcan be dangerous. Improper driverinputs for the conditions may resultin loss of control of the vehicle,which could injure or kill you orothers. Always drive safely.Track events and competitive drivingmay affect the vehicle warranty. Seethe warranty manual before using thevehicle for competitive driving.Engine OilCautionIf the vehicle is used for trackevents and competitive driving, theengine may use more oil than itwould with normal use. Low oillevels can damage the engine.Check the oil level often andmaintain the proper level. SeeEngine Oil 0 250.2.0L (LTG) EngineThis is not available with a trackpackage option and is notrecommended for track use.3.6L Non-Turbo (LGX) Engine. With Oil Cooler: Confirm the oillevel is at the upper mark thatshows the proper operating rangeon the engine oil dipstick.