Black plate (74,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2010Making a CallCalls can be made using the following commands:. Dial. Digit Dial. Call. Re‐dialUsing the Dial Command1. Press and hold b g for two seconds. The systemresponds with “Ready” followed by a tone.2. Say “Dial”. The system responds with “Dial using”. “Number please” followed bya tone.3. Say the entire number without pausing.. If the system recognizes the number, itresponds with “OK, Dialing” and dials thenumber.. If the system does not recognize the number, itconfirms the numbers followed by a tone. If thenumber is correct, say “Yes”. The systemresponds with “OK, Dialing” and dials thenumber. If the number is not correct, say “No”.The system will ask for the number to bere‐entered.Using the Digit Dial Command1. Press and hold b g for two seconds. The systemresponds with “Ready” followed by a tone.2. Say “Digit Dial”. The system responds with “Digitdial using , please say the first digitto dial” followed by a tone.3. Say the digit to be dialed one at a time. Followingeach digit, the system will repeat back the digit itheard followed by a tone.4. Continue entering digits until the number to bedialed is complete. After the whole number hasbeen entered, say “Dial”. The system respondswith “OK, Dialing” and dials the number.. If an unwanted number is recognized by thesystem, say “Clear” at any time to clear the lastnumber.. To hear all of the numbers recognized by thesystem, say “Verify” at any time and the systemwill repeat them.Using the Call Command1. Press and hold b g for two seconds. The systemresponds with “Ready” followed by a tone.2. Say “Call”. The system responds with “Call using. Please say the name tag” followedby a tone.4-74
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