The StabiliTrak® lightwill flash on theinstrument panel clusterwhen the system isboth on and activated.StabiliTrak® and part ofthe traction controlsystem can be turned offor back on by pressingthe StabiliTrak® buttonlocated on theinstrument panel.When the system is turned off, the StabiliTrak®light will flash, and the STABILITRAK OFFmessage will appear on the DIC to warn thedriver that both the stability system and part ofthe traction control system are disabled. Yourvehicle will still have brake-traction control whenStabiliTrak® is off, but will not be able to usethe engine speed management system. See“Traction Control Operation” next for moreinformation.When the StabiliTrak® system has been turnedoff, you may still hear system noises as a result ofthe brake-traction control coming on.To limit wheel spin and realize the full benefitsof the stability enhancement system, you shouldnormally leave StabiliTrak® on, but it may benecessary to turn the system off if your vehicle isstuck in sand, mud, ice or snow, and you wantto “rock” your vehicle to attempt to free it. It mayalso be necessary to turn off the system whendriving in extreme off-road conditions where highwheel spin is required. See If Your Vehicle isStuck in Sand, Mud, Ice, or Snow on page 364.Traction Control OperationThe traction control system is part of theStabiliTrak® system. Traction control limits wheelspin by reducing engine power to the wheels(engine speed management) and by applyingbrakes to each individual wheel (brake-tractioncontrol) as necessary.The traction control system is enabledautomatically when you start your vehicle, andit will activate and display the StabiliTrak® light ifit senses that any of the wheels are spinningor beginning to lose traction while driving.327