MY22Z01 - 12_1.0_25.07.2022 182Inspection and maintenance8.4 Carry out initial inspectionIncorrectly fastened screws may come loose dueto impact. The stem may no longer be firmly fixedin its position as a result. This will cause a crashwith injuries. Check the handlebars and the stem quickrelease system are firmly in position after thefirst two hours of riding.Vibrations produced while riding can causescrews and springs that were tightened duringmanufacture of the pedelec to settle or comeloose.1 Check quick release system is fixed in position.2 Check all tightening torques of screws andscrew connections.Injury due to damaged brakesSpecial tools and specialist knowledge arerequired to repair the brakes. Incorrect orunauthorised assembly can damage the brakes.This may lead to an accident with serious injuries. Only specialist dealers may carry out repairson brakes. Only carry out work or changes, such asdismantling, sanding or painting, which arepermitted and described in the brake operatinginstructions.Injury to the eyesProblems may arise if the settings are not madeproperly and you may sustain serious injuries asa result. Always wear safety glasses during Inspectionand maintenance work.Crash and falling caused by unintentionalactivationThere is a risk of injury if the electric drive systemis activated unintentionally. Remove the battery before inspection ormaintenance.Crash caused by material fatigueIf the service life of a component has expired, thecomponent may suddenly fail. This may cause acrash with injuries. Have the specialist dealer carry out basiccleaning of the pedelec every six months,preferably at the same time as the requiredservicing work.WARNING!CAUTION!Hazard for the environment due to toxicsubstancesThe brake system contains toxic andenvironmentally harmful oils and lubricants. Suchfluids will contaminate if they enter the sewers orgroundwater. Dispose of lubricants and oils left over afterrepairs in an environmentally responsible wayin accordance with statutory regulations.NoticeThe motor is maintenance-free and only qualifiedspecialist personnel may open it. Never open the motor.CAUTION!