Security System | User's Guide | Appendix - Security System GlossarySecurity System GlossaryArea A group of detection devices connected to yoursecurity system.Arm To turn your controlled points (burglardetection devices) on. When an area is armedand a controlled point trips, an alarm occurs orentry delay begins. When an area is disarmed,faulting controlled points does not generatealarms.AuthorityLevelYour security company or securityrepresentative assigns an authority level to yourpasscode. The authority level determines whichkeypad functions you can execute.Bypass Selectively remove points from the securitysystem. You might bypass a point in order toarm the perimeter with a window open.CentralStationA facility where trained personnel monitoryour security system 24 hours a day. Yoursecurity system may be programmed to contactthe central station during alarm conditions,enabling central station personnel to dispatchthe proper authorities.ClosingReportA report your system can be programmed tosend to the central station indicating that anarea has been armed. Opening and closingreports are commonly used by commercialaccounts.CommandMenuA list of functions programmed by yoursecurity company. They can perform mostkeypad functions with only two or threekeystrokes.