Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ 13 Зiт all inбredients сith the stirrerfor approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, thenfor approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipeНhort pastrуBasic recipe125 б butter (rooз teзperature)100–125 б suбar1 eбб1 pinch of saltA little leзon peel or vanilla suбar250 б flourBakinб poсder if reлuired Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hookfor approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, thenfor approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipeBase for fruit flanBasic recipe2 eббs125 б suбar125 б бround haфelnuts50 б breadcruзbs Beat eббs and suбar for 3 to 4 зinutesat settinб 5 until frothу. Нсitch appliance to settinб 1, add haфel-nuts and breadcruзbs and processfor ½ зinute сith the stirrer.Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipePlaited bunBasic recipe250 б flour1 packets of drу уeast110 зl сarз зilk1 eбб1 pinch of salt40 б suбar30 б зelted and cooled fatБraded rind of half a leзon Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hookfor approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, thenfor approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipePiффa douбhBasic recipe250 б flour1 packets of drу уeast1 tsp. suбar1 pinch of salt3 tbs. oil125 зl сarз сater Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hookfor approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, thenfor approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.Зaтiзuз лuantitуś 2 т basic recipeBread douбhBasic recipe500 б flour14 б suбar14 б зarбarine7 б salt1 packets of drу уeast250 зl сater Зiт all inбredients сith the kneadinб hookfor approт. ½ зinute at settinб 1, thenfor approт. 3–4 зinutes at settinб 5.Зaуonnaise1 eбб (eбб уolk and eбб сhite)1 tbs. зustard1 tbs. leзon дuice or vineбar200–250 зl oilНalt, pepper to tasteГnбredients зust be at the saзe teзperature! Put the inбredients in the дuб. Place hiбh-speed hand blender inthe bottoз of the дuб and sсitch on(settinб З) until the зiтture eзulsifies. Нloсlу raise the sсitched on hiбh-speedhand blender as far as the upper edбeof the зiтture and loсer aбain untilthe зaуonnaise is readу.Оipś Accordinб to this recipe уou can alsoзake зaуonnaise сith eбб уolk onlу.Вoсever, use onlу half the aзount of oil.en