51enMenuF It is important to set the water hard-ness correctly to enable the appli-ance to accurately indicate when thedescaling programme should be run.You can check the water hardness usingthe enclosed test strip or by asking yourlocal water supplier. If a water softeningsystem is installed in the house, pleaseselect the “Softening device” setting�Water filterIf a water filter is inserted, renewed orremoved, the setting “insert”, “replace” or“remove” must be made in the menu�F A water filter lessens limescaledeposits, reduces impurities in waterand improves the coffee taste�Water filters are available from retailoutlets or from customer services(see the section “Accessories”).Inserting or renewing a water filter:A new water filter must be rinsed before itcan be used�■ Turn the control ring to select either“insert” or “replace”�■ Press the water filter firmly into theopening of the water tank.■ Fill the water tank with water up to the“max” mark.■ Remove the milk tube from the milkcontainer and close the door.F Caution: Do not jam the tube whenclosing the door.■ Place a container with a capacity of0.5 litre under the outlet .■ Press C�Water will now flow through the filter torinse it�■ Then empty the container.The appliance is ready for use again.F Rinsing the filter simultaneouslyactivates the setting for the changefilter display.The filter is no longer effective when the“Replace water filter – Press A” displayappears, or at the latest after two months. Itneeds to be replaced for reasons of hygieneand to prevent a build up of limescale(which could damage the appliance).■ If a new filter is not inserted, select thesetting [ remove ] and press C�The message “Remove filter, reinsertwater tank, close door” appears�F If the appliance has not been usedfor a prolonged period (for example,while you are on holiday), the exist-ing filter should be rinsed before thefirst time the appliance is used again.To do this, simply dispense a cup ofhot water.Detailed information about the water filtercan be found in the manual supplied withthe filter.Home ConnectSettings for connection to WLAN network(home network) and mobile devices (seesection “Home Connect”).Switch off afterTo set how long the appliance should waitafter the last drink was prepared before itautomatically rinses and switches itself off.You can specify values from 15 minutes to8 hours. The factory setting is 30 minutes.IlluminationSetting the illumination of the beverageoutlet. “on”, “when in use” or “off” can beselected.Brightness illuminationSetting the illumination lightness of thebeverage outlet. “Level 1” to “Level 10” canbe selected.Brightness displaySetting the illumination lightness of display.Key tonesSwitch the signal tones on or off.