CAN Configuration | 10Bosch Motorsport Manual_C_80 47 / 144g) Check the box to automatically adjust the limits of the channel.CAN analyzer functionalityThis functionality is only available, if a MSA-Box (I or II) is used to connect the C 80 to thePC. Choose the CAN bus that is connected to the MSA-Box to display the raw value andthe converted physical value here.Automatic creation of online measurement sheetsThe CAN channel can be automatically inserted into a measurement sheet. Insert a namefor a new sheet or select an existing sheet from the list box.For an online view of the value measured by the C 80, insert the channel in an onlinemeasurement sheet which is described in the chapter Setting up an online measurement[} 75].10.2.4 Online view of CAN channels in vehicle1. Double-click on ‘Sheet 1’ in Project Tree. Measurement Sheet 1 is displayed in MainArea.2. Click on ‘Measurement elements’ in the Toolbox.3. Drag the desired Measurement element (e.g. Numeric Indicator) and drop it on theMeasurement Sheet.