MY20B01-22_1.0_21.06.2019 51Operation6.1.1 Tips for a greater rangeHow far can a pedelec actually travel? There is nosimple answer to this question as range dependson many influencing factors. A single batterycharge may only last fewer than 20 kilometres butmuch more than 100 is also possible. There are afew tips which will help you maximize the range.CadencePedalling frequencies higher than 50 revolutionsper minute optimise drive unit efficiency.However, very slow pedalling uses up a great dealof energy.WeightWeight should be minimised. The total weight ofthe pedelec and baggage should not beunnecessarily high.Stopping & startingStopping and starting all the time is lesseconomical than long stretches at the samespeed, just like with a car.Gear shiftShifting gears correctly also makes pedelecsmore efficient: It is best to set off and ride up hillsusing a low gear and switch up a gear dependingon the speed and terrain. The on-board computerprovides gear shift recommendations.Tyre pressureRolling resistance can be minimised if tyres areinflated to the right pressure. Tip: Use themaximum permitted tyre pressure to optimize yourrange.Motor power indicatorKeep an eye on the motor power indicator on thedisplay screen and adjust your riding accordingly.A long bar indicates high power consumption.Battery & temperatureBattery performance is reduced as thetemperature drops since this increases electricalresistance. As a result, you should expect therange to be shorter than normal in winter.6.1.2 Personal protective equipmentWe recommend that you wear a suitable cyclinghelmet. We also recommend that you wear sturdyfootwear and typical, close-fitting, reflectivecycling clothing.Moisture penetrating at low temperatures mayimpair individual pedelec functions due to theopen structural design. Always keep the pedelec dry and free fromfrost. If the pedelec is to be used at temperaturesbelow 3 °C, the specialist dealer must carryout an inspection and prepare the pedelec forwinter usage first.If you leave a key inserted when riding ortransporting the pedelec, it may break off or thelocking system may open accidentally. Remove the key from the battery lockimmediately after use. We recommend that you attach the key to akey ring.Off-road riding subjects the joints in the arms tosevere strain. Take a break from riding every 30 to90 minutes, depending on the road surfaceconditions