Garden ShredderOwner’sMAIN FEEDER FUNNELManualModel 8501 Type 2SIDE FEEDER FUNNELCOVERCONTENTS OF CARTONThis carton contains the following:1 Garden Shredder3 Support Legs1 Parts Bag Containing;1 Flat Wrench1 Allen Wrench3 Bolts3 Washers3 Nuts1 Warranty CardALLEN WRENCHDISCHARGECHUTECORDINTERLOCKON/OFF SWITCHBUCK&DEOKERPurposeof ProductThank you for buying a Black &Decker GARDEN SHREDDER, YourGARDEN SHREDDER will makehelpful garden mulch out of twigs,leaves, hedge and grass clippings,bark, stalks, stems, vines or any othergarden wastes. Newspapers (black &white) and organic kitchen scrapssuch as fruit and vegetable peelingscan also become a rich source ofnutrients for your garden whenmulched.Two sets of tough steel bladesdriven by a 1 horsepower motorquickly reduce waste to a traction ofits original size.Lightweight and easy to use, theGARDEN SHREDDER will help you toproduce a healthier and more beautifulgarden.This Product is Listed byUNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIESand Bears the Mark:Purposeof ManualA few minutes spent reading thismanual will assure satisfaction whenusing the GARDEN SHREDDER.The GARDEN SHREDDER will giveyou many years of service as long asit is properly maintained and cared for.It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that allSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS are readand strictly followed.SAVE THIS MANUAL FOR FUTUREREFERENCE.ImportantTo assure product Safety andReliability all repairs and adjustmentsother than those described in thismanual must be performed by Black &Decker Service Centers or AuthorizedService Stations.Home UseWarranty(A Full One Year Warranty)Black & Decker warrants this productfor one year. We will repair, withoutcharge, any defects due to faultymaterial or workmanship or at ouroption replace the product free.Please return the complete unit,transportation prepaid, to any Black &Decker Service Center or AuthorizedService Station listed under “ToolsElectric” in the yellow pages. Thiswarranty does not apply toaccessories. This warranty gives youspecific legal rights and you mayhave other rights which vary fromstate to state. Should you have anyquestions, contact your nearest Black& Decker Service Center manager.I