Camera Interface2-12 Basler A500k SeriesPRELIMINARY2.4 Input SignalsThe A500k receives the RS-644 input signals ExSync, ExClk, ExFlash, and RxD of the serialinterface. Section 2.4.1 describes the function of the ExSync signal, Section 2.4.2 describes thefunction of the ExFlash signal. RxD of the serial communication is described in Section ExSync: Controls Frame Readout and Exposure TimeThe ExSync input signal can be used to control exposure and readout of the A500k. ExSync is anLVDS signal as specified for RS-644. The ExSync input corresponds to the camera control signalCC1 as defined in the Camera Link standard. CC2 and CC4 are not used in this camera.The camera can be programmed to function under the control of an externally generated syncsignal (ExSync) in three exposure time control modes. In these modes, edge-controlled, level-controlled and programmable, the ExSync signal is used to control exposure time and frame readout. For more detailed information on the three modes, see Section 3.2.ExSync can be a periodic or non-periodic function. The frequency of the ExSync signaldetermines the camera’s frame rate in these modes.Note that ExSync is edge sensitive and therefore must toggle. Minimum high time for the ExSyncsignal is 2 μs, minimum low time 3 μs. These times can change depending on the exposure modeand timing selected, please see sections to ExFlash from the Frame GrabberThe first Channel Link contains an LVDS input for the ExFlash signal. With the correspondingregister setting, this input can be tied to the FlashOut signal of the Flash connector. The ExFlashsignal is not used by the camera itself. The ExFlash input corresponds to the camera control signalCC3 as defined in the Camera Link standard.The minimum pulse width of ExFlash is 1 μs, there are no further restrictions.