BASLER A500k iDRAFTRevision HistoryDoc. ID Number Date ChangesDA00057001 14 Oct 2002 Initial release covering series production cameras.DA00057002 07 Jan 2003 The A501kc color camera was added to the series.The high and low byte information was added to the AOI stamp.The AOI Stamp and Dynamic AOI register was renamed and is nowcalled the AOI Feature register.DA00057003 25 Jul 2003 Vibration, shock, and bump specifications were added.FVAL high time in Figure 2-7 and Figure 2-8 was corrected.Figure 2-5 and Table 2-6 were changed.The flash trigger output schematics for open collector and high sideswitch and explanation were added in Figure 2-4.The explanation on exposure modes in section 3.3 was improved.The minimum AOI height in lines was changed to 2.The responsivity of the sensor changed, and with it the explanation insection 1.3 and the formulas in section 3.7.1.A power supply recommendation was added to section 2.8.