3) The list of color changes displays.The list displays the total color change functions.Use the jog keys to select a code.(A-Key) (B-Key) (C-Key) (D-Key) (E-Key)Refer to the “Changing the Colors in the Display” to change the color.4) Press the A of B-Key to change the code.*The modified code will be highlighted.(A-Key) (B-Key) (C-Key) (D-Key) (E-Key)Press the D-Key for the previous screen.*A design can have up to 1200 Color Change Codes.7. Thread ConsumptionInstructions on simulating thread consumption.1) Refer to the “Design Information” and find it.2) Press the E-Key.(A-Key) (B-Key) (C-Key) (D-Key) (E-Key)7-7