2. Design Name.3. Programmed Rotation. (Can be changed in the Drive Condition Menu)4. Programmed Repeats set in the Drive Condition.5. Indicates the correct stop position when it shows “TOP”.6. Indicates the needle No.Shows “NO” when the position of the needle is incorrect.7. It shows the distance the pantograph moved.INC : The distance form the last stitch.ABS : The distance from the start position.8. Shows the speed of the machine when it is running.9. Shows whether the data has High or Low speed Function.10. Shows the current stitch count when in the Drive mode.11. Total stitch count available in memory.12. Shows the number of stitches backtracked.Shows the amount stitches backtracked with thread break detection, StitchBack and Automending.13. Displays menu icon or error messages.8. Extension Screen Information1) Extension Screen 1 information.The Memory location, total number of stitche and the number of repetitionare shown same as on the basic screen.⑨⑧① ②④⑤③⑥⑦⑩*Shows information on the currently selected design.*In the Stand-By mode, the speed and current stitch count are not shown.3-9