Manual 2100-422Page 7WIRINGFACTORY WIRINGAll units are fully factory wired. Multispeed blowersare factory wired on high speed for cooling/manual fanoperation. Heating speeds are wired for the largestinput and may need lower speed for field installed lowinput nozzle. If replacement wire is necessary, use 105degrees C minimum. See electrical data, Table 3.FIELD WIRINGAll wiring must conform to the National ElectricalCode and all local codes. A separate fuse or breakershould be used for the furnace.TABLE 3ELECTRICAL DATAledoM HP-ZH-stloVlatoTspmArotoMrewolB rotoMrenruB muminiMtiucriCyticapmAemiT.xaMesuFyaleDRCAHrorekaerBtiucriCPH ALF PH ALFE63D580HF 1-06-511 2.9 3/1 5.7 7/1 7.1 51 51E84D011HF 1-06-511 2.21 2/1 5.01 7/1 7.1 61 02E06D011HF 1-06-511 2.41 4/3 5.21 7/1 7.1 91 02E63D580FLF 1-06-511 3.71 3/1 6.5 7/1 7.1 51 51E63D580RLF 1-06-511 3.71 3/1 6.5 7/1 7.1 51 51E84D011FLF 1-06-511 2.21 2/1 5.01 7/1 7.1 61 02E84D011RLF 1-06-511 2.21 2/1 5.01 7/1 7.1 61 02E06D001FLF 1-06-511 2.41 4/3 5.21 7/1 7.1 91 02E06D001RLF 1-06-511 2.41 4/3 5.21 7/1 7.1 91 02E06D041RLF 1-06-511 2.41 4/3 5.21 7/1 7.1 91 02E63D580CF 1-06-511 3.7 3/1 6.5 7/1 7.1 51 51