Manual 2100-422Page 30COMBINATION COMBUSTIONCHAMBER/BURNER MOUNTINGSYSTEMThe furnace has been designed with a combustionchamber mounting system that enables servicepersonnel to remove the combustion chamber, itsmounting system, and burner assembly as one unit forinspection and/or service on the bench. It has also beendesigned to remove the burner assembly independentlyfrom the mounting system to perform basic annualservice and inspection. The mounting system iscompletely adjustable so exact alignment between theburner tube and combustion chamber may be assuredprior to installation into the furnace. See Figure 19and 20.WARNINGThe procedures described in Figures 19 and20 should be conducted only by a qualifiedservice technician.Improper servicing could cause electric shockhazard, fires or explosion resulting in damage,injury or death.BURNER REMOVALINSTRUCTIONSSTEP 1:DISCONNECT "T-T" WIRES,POWER CONNECTIONS, AIRBOOT (OPTIONAL) AND OILLINES TO BURNER.STEP 2:LOOSEN (3) BOLTSENOUGH TO ROTATEBURNER ASSEMBLY.STEP 3:ROTATE BURNERCOUNTER-CLOCKWISESTEP 4:PULL BURNER STRAIGHTOUT TO PREVENT DAMAGETO CHAMBER DURINGREMOVAL. MIS-1834*ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD*DISCONNECT POWER BEFORESERVICING.DANGER!FIGURE 19REMOVAL OF BURNER ONLY