R5906150 /02 XDL 39U+75%-60%-35% +35%DL RPFUDSIDE VIEWPF +75%-60%TOP VIEWPFLR-35%+35%Image 3-6: Vertical and horizontal shift rangeP DMDF Field of viewIt is mechanical possible to shift outside the recommended field of view, but it will result in a declineof image quality depending on the used lens and the zoom position of the used lens. Furthermore,shifting too much in both directions will result in a blurred image corner.Best image quality is projected in the On-Axis configuration.Horizontal and vertical projector tilt rangesSide to side tilting of the projector may not exceed ±20°. Outside of this range, there is one exception (area C)when the projector can be mounted at 90° sideways IF the Input and communication unit is facing downwards.No other sidewards tilting is allowed.The projector can also be rotated and mounted up and downwards in an angle that does not exceed:• ±45° upwards.• ±30° downwards.These limitations ensures that the air dryers in the projector work properly and safely. Mounting a projectoroutside of these “green zones” may cause condensate to appear in the projector and may cause damage tothe electronic and/or the optical parts.Take into account that the projector feet are unable to achieve the maximum allowed tilt angles. Usean external mechanical frame that allows to tilt the projector within the allowed tilt ranges.When using an external frame, make sure to remove the projector feet and replace them withscrews of M16 x 200 to mechanically connect the projector with the frame. Make sure these screwsare long enough to secure the projector to the frame AND leave an open space of minimum 50 mmbetween frame and projector. The open space is necessary for the drains to evacuate any built upcondensation water.Installation preparations