BRAKINGThe ATV has two front drum brakes and one rear disk brake.FRONT DRUM BRAKESFront Brake AdjustmentWARNINGFailing to inspect and maintain your ATV’s brake system properly couldbe hazardous.Improper maintenance of the brake increases your chance of having anaccident.Be sure to inspect the brake before riding according to the INSPECTIONBEFORE RIDING section. Always maintain your brakes according to theMAINTENANCE SCHEDULE.WARNINGOperating the ATV in harsh conditions could be hazardous if you do notinspect brake wear often.Operating in mud, water, sand, or other extreme conditions can causeaccelerated brake wear. This could lead to an accident.If you operate your vehicle under these conditions, the brake mustbe inspected more often than recommended in the MAINTENANCESCHEDULE.4~6mm(0.16~0.24 inches)1. Try to move the vehicle backward andforward when the front brake is applied. Ifthe front wheels can turn, adjust the frontbrake to lock the wheels securely.2. Measure the amount of free play in thebrake lever needed to begin applying thebrakes as shown. The free play should beabout 4~6mm (0.16~0.24 inches).3. Adjust the brakes by turning theadjustment nut located on right and leftfront brake drum assemblies4. After any adjustment of the brake, checkagain to make sure front wheels cannotturn when the brake is applied.Front brake hubFront BrakeadjustmentnutINSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE