TWIN – Use and maintenance instruction manualChap. 2- 44/ 52 -2.16.7 Rischi residui presenti durante gli interventi di lubrificazione/ingrassaggio2.16.7.1 Lubrication/greasing – (Risk ID: 11.01)IDENTIFICATION RISK ASSESSMENTStage: UsePerson: Maintenance personnelArea: Z00 All areasInitial risk: MEDIUMRESIDUAL RISK: LOWPLr (EN 13849): -SIL (EN IEC 62061): -ACCIDENT SCENARIOConsequence: 7.9 Poisoning7.10 SensitisationSituation: Handling of lubricants and greases and/or parts that have come into contact withlubricants or grease used to lubricate rollers, supports, gear motors, etc.Event: - Various risks (7.9 poisoning, 7.10 sensitisation) deriving from skin or eyes cominginto contact with lubricants or ingestion of lubricants.- Risk of environmental pollution deriving from lubricant spills.Body part: Entire body.RESIDUAL RISKRisk of poisoning or sensitisation deriving from skin or eyes coming into contact with lubricants oringestion of lubricants.- Risk of environmental pollution deriving from lubricant spills.LIMITATION MEASURESMechanical: -Electrical: -Informative: Lubricants (greases and oils) are toxic and noxious. Follow the prodcer safetyinformation.Always use personal protective equipment (PPE) for all tasks where there is aforeseeable risk of coming into contact with lubricants.Waste lubricants must be disposed of by orgnisations authorised to collect anddispose of these types of substances.Symbols: -