234Creating Custom Fonts (Font Creator)Saving Font Character PatternsOverwritingThe font character pattern being edited is overwrittenwhen saving any changes that have been made.Toolbar button:1. Click , or click File, then Save.→ The file is saved.→ If no file name has been specified or if thefile cannot be found, the Save As dialogbox appears.Saving with a new nameThe current file can be saved with a different filename in order to keep the original unchanged or tokeep various versions of the same font characterpattern.The font character patterns are saved as .pef files.1. Click File, then Save As.2. Select the MyFont folder in the folder wherePalette was installed. (For example, clickingthe drive where Palette was installed, thenProgram Files, then Babylock, then PaletteVer.8, then MyFont) And then type in the filename.3. Click Save to save the font character patterns.a Note:If any part of the character pattern extendsoff the Design Page, a message appears.Edit the character pattern so that no partextends off the Design Page, and then saveit again.a Note:• Save the font created in the MyFontfolder. (For example, clicking the drivewhere Palette was installed, thenProgram Files, then Babylock, thenPalette Ver.8, then MyFont) The font willnot be usable in the Layout & Editing if it’sstored in a different folder.• If Layout & Editing has already started upwhen a new character is saved in FontCreator, that character will not appear inthe Font selector list in Layout & Editing. Inthis case, exit Layout & Editing, and thenstart it up again.