138Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing)Saving and PrintingSaving■ OverwritingOnce the image or design has been saved, changescan easily be saved so that the latest version can beretrieved later.Toolbar button:1. Click , or click File, then Save.→ If the image or design has already beensaved at least once, the file is saved.→ If no file name has been specified or if thefile cannot be found, the Save As dialogbox appears.■ Saving with a new nameThe current file can be saved with a different filename in order to keep the original unchanged or tokeep various versions of the same image or design.The files are saved as .pes files.1. Click File, then Save As.2. Select the drive and the folder, and then typein the file name.3. Click Save to save the data.→ The new file name appears in the title barof the Layout & Editing window.■ Outputting design in a differentformatThe data shown in the Design Page can be exportedas a file of a different format (.dst, .hus, .exp, .pcs,.vip, .sew, .jef, .csd, .xxx, and .shv).1. Click File, then Export.2. Select the drive and the folder, and then typein the file name.3. Select a format (.dst, .hus, .exp, .pcs, .vip,.sew, .jef, .csd, .xxx, or .shv) that the file canbe exported as.a Note:If you select a file type of a previous softwareversion, saved .pes files can be opened withthat version of the software; however, allsaved design will be converted to stitchpattern.b Memo:With the DST format, you can specify whetheror not the jump stitches are cut according tothe number of jump codes. Since the numberof codes differ depending on the embroiderymachine being used, type or select theappropriate value in the Number of jumps fortrim box. (This setting can only be specified ifthe .dst format is selected.)a Note:• Some patterns imported from embroiderycards cannot be exported.• Patterns designed on a custom-sizedDesign Page will be exported as a simplefile, and will not be split into sections.