2 4PPC-153 User's Manual2.6 Installing the DriversAfter installing your system software, you will be able to set up theEthernet, SVGA, audio, PCMCIA and touchscreen functions. All thedrivers except the CD-ROM drive driver are stored in a CD-ROM discentitled "Drivers and Utilities." The CD-ROM drive driver is stored in afloppy disk. Both the CD-ROM and the floppy disk can be found inyour accessory box.To set up the CD-ROM function, insert the floppy disk with theCD-ROM drive driver into the floppy disk drive and type "install" afterthe following prompt is displayed on screen:A: > INSTALLPress "Enter", and the installation process will be completed in a fewseconds.The standard procedures for installing the Ethernet, SVGA, audio,PCMCIA and touchscreen drivers are described in Chapters 6, 7, 8, 10and 11 respectively.For your reference, the directory of drivers on the "Drivers andUtilities" CD-ROM is:The utility directory includes multimedia programs. Refer to theREADME.TXT file inside the VGA folders for more detailed informa-tion.Audio (drivers)D:LAN (Ethernet drivers)UtilityVGA (drivers)Document (manuals)Elotouch (drivers)Microtouch (drivers)Cardbus (drivers)