3-26Adaptec RAID Installation GuideSCO UNIXThe Adaptec RAID Installation CD contains a driver for each versionof SCO. You use the CD to create driver disks. Two disks arerequired to store all of the drivers. To create the driver disks1 Start up the system from the CD and select Create driver disks.2 Select the SCO operating system you are using.3 Insert floppy disks when prompted until all drivers are copied.Alternatively, you can use the dd command to copy the disk imagesdirectly from the CD to a floppy disk. The following disk images areon the Adaptec RAID Installation CD:Installing the Driver in a New OpenDesktop 3.x SystemIn this scenario, you are installing SCO UNIX OpenDesktop 3.x on asingle drive or array group. To install the driver1 Start up the system with the N1 disk.2 At the boot prompt, typedefbootstr link=dpti43 When prompted for the SCO BTLD disk, insert the driver diskyou created earlier.4 Insert the N1 or Boot Disk again when prompted.5 Insert the N2 disk when prompted. In the Hardware Roster,the following line should appear:% adapter type=dpti ha=0 id=7 channel=0, PCI6 Continue the installation according to the SCO documentation.Driver Storage Manager and RAIDUTILOpen Desktop 3.x /packages/Open_Desktop_3/image/packages/Open_Desktop_3/apps/smOpenServer 5.x /packages/Open_Server_5/image/packages/Open_Server_5/apps/sm