ACURA’sRX210 User Manual Page 15 of 35PCEach time a valid packet is received, the Packet RX LED will flash. This can be usedto determine whether valid communications is taking place.Response packets are now sent back exactly the same way as the command packet,but in the opposite direction. Each reader would assemble the packet as it passedthrough to determine when the response is complete. Once it has received acomplete response, the reader will switch into the idle mode, ready for the nextCommand packet.1 2 3 4 nRS2322 wire RS485L R 2 wire LRS485R L2 wireRS485R L2 wireRS485R L R2 wireRS4854.5 Auto PollingThe onboard firmware carries routines to allow this system to be auto-polled and freerunning. When reader 1 has the auto polling enabled, it will automatically determinethe number of readers connected to its network and sequentially send commands outto receive the tag data from each reader using the 'Get Tag Packet Command 0x06'.These tag packets pass through reader 1 and onto the PC. In this mode, the PC willreceive a continuous stream of tag packets without the need for its own pollingsystem. This can be used on systems that have no ability to send data out to thenetwork, or need only monitor the tag data as it appears, making it a very simplesystem without complicated polling routines.Where no tag data is available, an empty reply packet will be sent back. This enablesthe monitoring software to determine if there are any readers on the network that arenot responding, and suggest the appropriate action.Since this data is being received on a continuous basis, a mechanism has been putinto place to enable the PC to stop this process so that commands can be sent out tothe network. This can be achieved by sending a break character ( in this case , ' * ' )to reader 1. Should Reader 1 receive this character, it will stop sending 'Get TagPacket' commands until such time that it is instructed to go back into Auto Pollingmode, OR the system is switched off and powered up again.Since the network cannot see the PC while it is passing a packet from right to left ( ieto the PC ), it will be necessary to time this character to when the data packets areflowing left to right. This can be tricky, so the suggested method is to simply send alarge number of ' * ' characters ( 400 - 500 ) to the network. In this manner, thenetwork will always see these characters.To guarantee a break occurring, send 400 x ASCII 255 + ' * ' characters. The ASCII255 character will ensure that there is no possibility of a framing error occurring andthe break character not being seen.0xF * 400 XBreaking the polling sequence does not alter the Auto Polling Flag in the DataEEPROM, but only suspends polling. After a physical reset, this system will startpolling again unless the auto polling is disabled with the appropriate command.