49• Firmware RevisionThe manufacturer's firmware version number.• Device AddressThe Bluetooth Device Address (BDA or BD_Addr) assigned to thisdevice when it was manufactured.• HCI VersionThe version number of the Bluetooth Specification that the HostController Interface complies with.• HCI RevisionThe revision number of the Bluetooth Specification that the HostController Interface complies with.• LMP VersionThe version number of the Bluetooth Specification that the LinkManager Protocol complies with.• LMP Sub VersionThe sub-version number of the Bluetooth Specification that the LinkManager Protocol complies with.• The Advanced button: displays the Advanced Settings dialog box,which allows you to select the country code and transmission powersettings. This option is not available on all systems.5.7.1 Advanced SettingsWhen available, this dialog box is reached from the Hardware tab of theBluetooth Configuration Panel.Note: Depending on the country in which the hardware is soldand/or in which it will be used, the Advanced button may notbe present.This dialog box allows changes to the following settings:• Country CodeNorth America, Europe (except France), and JapanFrance and China• Maximum Transmission PowerHighMediumLow.Click Apply to implement the changes. A dialog box appears with notificationthat the Bluetooth device attached to this computer must be reset before thechange(s) will take effect.