28© Copyright ActSafe Systems ABSERVICE & MAINTENANCEServICe & mAINteNANCeUse only original spare parts / materialrecommended by ActSafe Systems.Clean the unit regularly. Check thecharging pins and karabiners for oxidation.Clean and lubricate if needed.Go through “Checklist before and after usage”at every maintenance to increase the safety forthe user (/users) of the ascender.RECOMMENDATIONClean the ascenderNOTE! Do not use running water or a high-pressure washer!• Wipe the ascender with a wet clothand let it dry.• Clean the karabiner thoroughly,lubricate with thin oil.Clean the battery connector pinsSpray the pins with an electronic connectorcleaner/lubricator when needed.Changing the primary connection slingIf unsure of any of these steps, contactActSafe Systems or local distributor.1. Use pliers to force the captive bar out.2. Remove the karabiner and the sling.3. Push the sling through the chassis holes.Use thin, long pliers to do this.4. Connect the karabiner and lock it witha captive bar.We recommend that you change the karbinerand the sling at the same time.RECOMMENDATION