21User’s Manual ACC II Ascender Rev 1-2013USAGETransportationFor short transports, carry the ascender bythe lifting handle.During normal transport the transporta-tion box is optimal as it protects the ascen-der from damage.Always make sure the Ascender is securedbefore being transported in a vehicle.The batteries contains more than 100 Whand therefore considered dangerousgoods. Make sure they are transported inaccordance with local rules and regulations.StorageAlways clean and dry the ascender and thetransportation box before putting it awayfor storage.Store the ascender and the remote in acool and dry place. It can be stored in thetransportation box, make sure it is dry.Always store the battery fully charged.Never store the battery connected to theascender.Never store the battery connected to thecharger.If stored for long periods, charge the batteryonce every three months.CAUTION