MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTIONVersion 1.0 Acme Packet, Inc. Technical Publications 83Maintaining theCoolingComponentsThe Net-Net 6300 Air Filter removes airborne particles before they are drawn intothe Net-Net 6300. To prevent system malfunction and prolong the life of thesystem’s cooling components:• Clean or replace the Fan Filter every three months• Clean the air inlets once a week.Cooling maintenance encompasses cleaning the fan module and cleaning the airinlets on the front of the Net-Net 6300. Cleaning the fan module requires that youremove the module itself. If you are not shutting down the Net-Net 6300 thisprocedure must be performed quickly or else the system may overheat and causepacket processing to stop.This maintenance should be performed alongside of other preventative maintenanceto take place within a planned maintenance or downtime window, during off-peakhours.Cleaning the CoolingComponentsTo clean the Fan module:1. Refer to the instructions detailed in this chapter’s Fan and Filter Maintenancesection to remove the Fan from the chassis.2. Spray compressed air into the Fan to dislodge and blow away any contaminantsand clean out the 15 fans.3. Refer to the instruction detailed in this chapter’s Fan and Filter Maintenancesection to replace the fan module.To clean the perforated air inlets:1. Remove the Fan Bezel from the chassis.2. Gently wipe the front Fan Bezel that contains the perforated air inlets with aclean, dry cloth. You can alternatively remove the Fan Bezel from the system anduse compressed air to clean out the perforated air inlets.Note: Only the removable fan bezel has vent holes that requirecleaning.Caution To prevent damage to the painted finish, do not use anysolvents or liquids to clean the perforated air inlets on thefront of the chassis.NIU Removal and ReplacementWhen possible, remove system power before removing and replacing an NIU.However, without powering down the Net-Net 6300 you can exchange an NIU (forthe same type of card) by removing and replacing it. Upon NIU removal, the Net-Net 6300 enters an Out-of-Service state. After you reinsert the NIU and connect tothe ACLI, you must reboot the system to return to service. This causes a soft-rebootrather than a system power cycle.