80SOUR Setup: SOUR ConfigurationXL40 and 60 metersThis screen allows you configure the SOUR dilution factor, minimum time in minutes for the test,maximum time in minutes for the test, minimum starting DO, minimum Ending DO and solidsweight in grams per liter. All values for these parameters are entered via a numeric keypad.Dilution factor can be set from 1 to 25, if no dilution was required use a factor of 1. Minimum timeshould be less than the maximum time for the test (10 character limit for time in minutes).Minimum starting DO can be set from 5 to 60. Minimum ending DO can be set from 0 to 60.To set SOUR Configuration1. Touch the Touch here to edit button next to the SOUR Configuration to access the OURConfiguration screen.2. Touch the Dilution Factor (1 to X) box and use the numeric keypad on the screen toenter desired value. The BS key allows you to remove characters that are incorrectlyentered.3. Touch Enter on the keypad to accept the value and return to the SOUR Configurationscreen.4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining boxes, Minimum Time (min), Maximum Time (min),Minimum Starting D.O., Minimum Ending D.O. and Solids Weight (g/L).5. Touch the OK button to accept the changes of the entire SOUR configuration and return tothe SOUR Setup screen.