11Getting Started: pH and Ion ProbesXL15, 20, 25, 50 and 60 metersThe XL series meters - XL15, XL20, XL25, XL50 and XL60 - allows you to use two types of pHelectrodes: the conventional glass pH electrode and the AccuFETfield effect transistor (FET) pH electrode.1. Carefully remove the protective cover from the end of theelectrode. Before first using your glass pH electrode, orwhenever the electrode is dry, soak it2-4 hours in an electrode storage solution, pH 4 Buffer, orKCl solution.2. Remove the shorting cap on BNC connector. Connect thecombination pH electrode by plugging it into the BNC inputconnector (twisting to lock in place).If a combination electrode isn’t used, connect the indicating pHelectrode into the BNC input connector. Plug the referenceelectrode into the reference pin jack. Also, install the ATC probeinto the ATC jack.Note: Be sure to connect all probes to theappropriate channel connectors (for example:pH1, Ref 1 and ATC1).Option: Connect the optional AccuFET electrodeby plugging it into the FET jack on the back meterpanel. Allow the AccuFET to warm up five minutesbefore use.Connect ion specific electrodes in the same manneras pH electrodes.Do not discard the BNCshorting cap.Shorting cap