185.3 Piece design and LayoutIn order to print a document, you first must tell the printer what you wishto print and where you wish to print it. This is done in the host applica-tion. In the example below, Wordpad was used.1. Select a form size and layout that is similar to the document sizethat you are printing.2. Set both the top and left margins to 03. Enter the text, graphics, bar codes etc. that you wish to print.4. Start the ACCUFAST Stitch line application5. Place the stitch line overlay in the top left corner of the text.6. Adjust line spacing, object location etc.The purpose of the Stitch Line Overlay is to show where the pen bounda-ries are (stitch lines) relative to the text being printed. For highest qual-ity, it is recommended that a stitch line not run through a printed object orline of text.In the example above, text has been formatted, fonts selected and laidout to avoid the stitch lines that are shown in the overlay. To print thisdocument, follow windows practice and select print in the file menu, thenselect the ACCUFAST P4 printer.