164.7 Feed AdjustmentsIt is common to make adjustments to the feed and transport of piecesprior to printing. It is useful to do so.Skew: First, Identify where the Skew enters the piece by watching itmove through the machine. If an imager is too low, it will drag a pieceand cause a jam or skew. If the piece hits one of the input rolls off cen-ter, or if the roll is not turning freely, it will cause skew at the input roller.Finally, check the piece as it comes from the feeder. If a side guide is tooloose or crooked, the piece will feed skewed. If the piece is offset underthe separator, skew can occur. If there are two separators on a piece,both need to have the same resistance or skew will result.Double Feed: Double feeds are a result of the separator not doing itsjob. If you have doubles, tighten the separator by setting it up with a thin-ner material than the samples for printing. If that doesn’t work consulttrouble shooting under the “rotate the separator” discussion as wear hassurpassed the ability to adjust.Erratic Feed: This situation is characterized by widely varying gaps be-tween the pieces. It is typically cured by adjusting the feed speed and bycleaning and re-adjusting the feed separator.4.8 Connecting the PrinterThe connection address has been set during initial installation and set upof the software. The printer communicates with its host computerthrough a high speed USB to Ethernet adapter. The connection statuswill be shown at the bottom of the Control Panel screen.1. Connect the USB cable from a high speed USB port on the computerto the printer.2. Turn on the printer3. Turn on the computer.