TroubleshootingProblem Possible Cause SolutionThethermometerfails to poweron."Er1" isdisplayed.Thetemperaturereading is lowerthan the typicalbodytemperaturerange.The temperaturereading is higherthan the typicalbodytemperaturerange.Low batteryThe temperatureprobe is damaged.Polarities of thebatteries arereversed.The ambienttemperature is lowerthan 10°C (50.0°F) orhigher than 40°C(104°F).The lens of thetemperature probeis dirty.The thermometerprobe is not alignedto the eardrum.The thermometer isused within 30minutes after beingtaken from a coldenvironment.The temperatureprobe is damaged.Change the batteries.Make sure that thebatteries are installedcorrectlyContact themanufacturer.Take a measurementunder an ambienttemperature between10°C (50.0°F) and 40°C(104°F).Clean the lens using acotton swab.Reposition thethermometer probe sothat it is aligned to theeardrum.Wait for more than 30minutes after thethermometer is movedinto the measurementenvironment.Contact themanufacturer.22