Network50Network layoutThe device must be physically connected to the networkover a CAT5 cable (see connections on pageNotePay attention to the specific information and istructions on the network devices.Several switches, routers and access points can be conected to each other. Firewalls and other security sofware can affect the network.WarningWhen using a router, the network clients (e.g. therecorder) can be connected to the Internet andvice versa.Make sure to use protective measures to preventunauthorised external access (e.g. firewall, chaning passwords, changing ports)!Network configurationThe device must be configured using the “System Setings” and “Network Settings” menus.The device must be physically connected to the networkover a CAT5 cable (see connections on page 3).Pay attention to the specific information and in-Several switches, routers and access points can be con-nected to each other. Firewalls and other security soft-When using a router, the network clients (e.g. theconnected to the Internet andMake sure to use protective measures to preventunauthorised external access (e.g. firewall, chang-ured using the “System Set-Parameter SettingNIC Type Set the transmission speed of the istalled network card here.Tip: 10M/100M/1000MDHCP Check the box if the IP addresses areassigned dynamically via DHCP in thenetwork.DHCP activated: Subsequent entryfields are inactive (parameters asigned via DHCP).Note:If the IP addresses are assignedmanually, ensure that DHCP is not ative (box notIP Address Address of the network device in thenetwork (manual assignment)Subnet Mask Usually Gate-wayAddress of the gateway for Internet acessPreferredDNS ServerAddress of the Domain Name(usually the IP address of the gateway)Alternate DNSServerIP address of the alternative DNSserverMAC Address Hardware address of the installed nework cardAdvanced network configurationSpecify further parameters for the network configurationin the “Advanced” tab.Set the transmission speed of the in-stalled network card here.Tip: 10M/100M/1000Mthe box if the IP addresses areassigned dynamically via DHCP in theDHCP activated: Subsequent entryfields are inactive (parameters as-signed via DHCP).If the IP addresses are assignedmanually, ensure that DHCP is not ac-tive (box not checked).Address of the network device in thenetwork (manual assignment)Usually of the gateway for Internet ac-Address of the Domain Name Server(usually the IP address of the gateway)IP address of the alternative DNSHardware address of the installed net-Advanced network configurationrther parameters for the network configuration