Alarm52AlarmAlarm overviewThe alarm settings regulate the type of camera surveil-lance in a detailed fashion and control the device behav-iour (for example, in the event of motion detection orvideo signal loss).• Open the “System Settings” menu and click on“Alarm” in the menu on the left.The available alarm detectors are then shown in theoverview. The signals on these detectors can then bemanaged via the corresponding alarm inputs.Alarm Input1. Select the alarm detector by marking the corre-sponding line and then clicking Set.Parameter SettingAlarm Input No. Select the alarm input to make thesettingsAlarm Name Enter a clear description here (e.g.door contact on warehouse)Type N.O.: Normally open circuitN.C.: Normally closed circuitParameter SettingSetting Tick the box to make exceptionsettings and notification settings(see page Fehler! Textmarkenicht definiert.).PTZ Camera Assignment of the PTZ camera tothe camera inputPresetPatrolPatternTick / untick the boxSelect the preset, patrol or patternfrom the drop-down menuCopy To Copies the settings2. Assign the alarm input in the drop-down menu.3. Enter the alarm name.4. Select the type of alarm encoder from the drop-downmenu:• N.O.: Triggers an alarm when closed• N.C.: Triggers an alarm when opened5. Tick the “Setting” box and click Handle.Each triggered alarm can be handled individually.