6/1553-DBC 444 01 Uen A1 2010-06-10 94A DVANCED F EATURES17.2 Authorization CodeAuthorization codes are used to control or limit the access to an exten-sion.When an extension is controlled by an authorization code, certainservice profiles are not allowed to use certain features, such as makingcalls to other countries. If you dial the authorization code, you open upthe extension to use more features.There are two kinds of authorization codes:• Common Authorization Code. A common authorization code canbe dialed from any extension.• Individual Authorization Code. An individual authorization code isalways associated with a specific extension.Note: An authorization code must be entered before a call. The code isbetween 1 and 7 digits long.17.2.1 Common Authorization CodeDepending on the service profile associated with your extension, youmay have to enter a common authorization code in order to make certaintypes of calls, and to lock and unlock the extension.Note: The common authorization code can only be changed by thesystem administrator.The common authorization code provides the following functions:• Locking and unlocking of an extension. A locked extension uses alow service profile.• Authorization code dialing. The calling party may use other serviceprofiles than those specified for the extension. Dialing From An ExtensionTo make a call from an extension with a common authorization code, dothe following:1. Dial *72* authorization code #.Wait for a verification tone. If the code is not verified, the defaultcommon service profile will be used.2. Dial the external number.• If the service profile for the dialed authorization code is too low forthe call, the call is rejected.