113-5 Display Symbols and Key OperationKey operationKey operation affects how the balance functions. The basic key operations are:z “Press and release the key immediately” or “Press the key”= normal key operation during measurementz “Press and hold the key”Display symbolsEach key, when pressed or when pressed and held, functions as follows:Key When pressed When pressed and heldTurns the display ON and OFF. The standby indicator is displayed when the display isturned off. The weighing mode is enabled when the display is turned on.This key is available anytime. Pressing the key during operation will interrupt theoperation and turn the display OFF.In the weighing mode, turns the minimumweighing value ON and OFF.In the counting or percent mode, entersthe sample storing mode.Enters the function table mode. Refer to“9. FUNCTION TABLE”.Switches the weighing units stored in thefunction table. Refer to “4. WEIGHINGUNITS”.Performs response adjustment and selfcheck.Performs calibration of the balance usingthe internal mass.Displays other items of the calibrationmenu.Stores the weighing data in memory oroutputs to a printer or personal computerdepending on the function table settings.(Factory setting = output)No function at the factory settingBy changing the function table:Outputs “Title block” and “End block” forGLP report.Displays the data memory menu.Sets the display to zero.