429-5 Description of the Item “Data Output Mode”The parameter setting of the “Data output mode ( prt )” applies to the performance when the data istransmitted using the RS-232C serial interface.Key modeWhen the PRINT key is pressed with the stabilization indictor turned on, the balance outputs theweight data and the display blinks one time.Required setting dout prt 0 Key modeAuto print modes A and BWhen the displayed value is stable and the conditions of “Auto print polarity”, “Auto print difference” andreference value are met, the balance outputs the weight data.When the PRINT key is pressed with the stabilization indictor turned on, the balance outputs the dataand the display blinks one time.Mode A: Required setting dout prt 1 Auto print mode A (reference = zero)dout ap-p Auto print polaritydout ap-b Auto print differenceExample “For outputting the weight value each time a sample is added, with“ar-d” set to “1” (to adjust zero after the data is output).”Mode B: Required setting dout prt 2 Auto print mode B (reference = last stable value)dout ap-p Auto print polaritydout ap-b Auto print differenceExample “For outputting the weight value while a sample is added.”Stream modeThe balance outputs the weight data continuously regardless of the display condition. The display doesnot blink in this mode.Required setting dout prt 3 Stream modeba5fnc 5pd Display refresh rate5if bp5 Baud rateExample “For monitoring data on a computer”CautionThe balance may not transmit the data completely at the specified refresh rate and baud rate. Setthe baud rate higher.Key mode BWhen the PRINT key is pressed, the balance outputs the weight data, regardless of the displaycondition. The display does not blink in this mode.Key mode CWhen the PRINT key is pressed with the stabilization indictor turned on, the balance outputs theweight data. When the stabilization indicator is not on, the balance waits for the indicator to turn on andoutputs the data. The balance blinks one time in this mode.