3.10 Positioning the sliding boxThe sliding box can be placed at differ-ent heights.Do make these adjustments proceed asfollow:1. lift the shelf with the sliding box up-wards and out of the holders in thedoor2. remove the retaining bracket out ofthe guide under the shelf3. Reverse the above operation to in-sert the sliding box at a differentheight.3.11 DYNAMICAIRThe refrigerator compartment is equip-ped with a device that allows for rapidcooling of foods and more uniform tem-perature in the compartment.This device activates by itself when nee-ded, for example for a quick tempera-ture recovering after door opening orwhen the ambient temperature is high.Allows you to switch on the device man-ually when needed (refer to "DYNAMI-CAIR Function").The DYNAMICAIR device stops whenthe door is open and restarts immediate-ly after the door closing.4. HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS4.1 Hints for energy saving• Do not open the door frequently orleave it open longer than absolutelynecessary.• If the ambient temperature is high andthe Temperature Regulator is set tolow temperature and the appliance isfully loaded, the compressor may runcontinuously, causing frost or ice onthe evaporator. If this happens, set theTemperature Regulator toward warm-er settings to allow automatic defrost-ing and so a saving in electricity con-sumption.4.2 Hints for fresh foodrefrigerationTo obtain the best performance:• do not store warm food or evaporat-ing liquids in the refrigerator• do cover or wrap the food, particularlyif it has a strong flavour• position food so that air can circulatefreely around it8 www.aeg.com