Food Func-tionQuantity(kg)Power(Watts)Tempera-ture (°C)Time (min) Shelf po-sitionSavourydishes withraw ingre-dients (po-tatoes,vegetables)TrueFanCook-ing- 400 - 600 160 - 180 30 - 45 211.11 Grill• Always grill with the maximumtemperature setting.• Set the shelf into the shelf position asrecommended in the grilling table.• Always set the pan to collect the fatinto the first shelf position.• Grill only flat pieces of meat or fish.• Always preheat the empty oven withthe grill functions for 5 minutes.CAUTION!Always grill with the ovendoor closed.GrillFood Temperature(°C)Time (min) Shelf position1st side 2nd sideRoast beef, me-dium210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 1Filet of beef,medium230 20 - 30 20 - 30 1Back of pork 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 1Back of veal 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 1Back of lamb 210 - 230 25 - 35 20 - 35 1Whole Fish, 500- 1000 g210 - 230 15 - 30 15 - 30 111.12 Frozen foods• Remove the food packaging. Put thefood on a plate.• Do not cover it with a bowl or a plate.This can extend the defrost time.Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf positionPizza, frozen 200 - 220 15 - 25 3Pizza American, frozen 190 - 210 20 - 25 3Pizza, chilled 210 - 230 13 - 25 3Pizza Snacks, frozen 180 - 200 15 - 30 3ENGLISH 27