Options DescriptionTimer Settings Contains a list of clock functions.Fast Heat Up To decrease heat up time in the currentlyrunning heating function.On / OffSet + Go To set a function and turn it on later. Onceset, the message "Set&Go active" appearson the display. Press Start to turn it on.When this function is active the messagedisappears from the display and the ovenstarts to work. Note that it is available onlyfor some of the heating functions and if Du-ration / End Time is set.6.4 Residual heatWhen you turn off the oven, the displayshows the residual heat. You can use theheat to keep the food warm.7. CLOCK FUNCTIONS7.1 Timer SettingsClock function ApplicationUp Timer Automatically monitors how long the func-tion operates. The visibility of the Up Timercan be turned on and off.Duration To set the length of an operation.1)End Time To set the switch-off time for a heating func-tion. This option is available only when theDuration is set. Use the functions Durationand End Time at the same time to automati-cally turn on and off the oven on a given timelater. 1)Reminder To set a countdown.1)This function has no effect on the operationof the oven.Choose and set the time. When the timeends the signal sounds. Press the rotary knobto stop the signal.When the oven is turned off press the rotaryknob to turn on this function.1) Maximum 23 h 59 minwww.aeg.com16