After the Automatic switch-off, touch asensor field to operate the applianceagain.The Automatic switch-offdoes not work with thefunctions: core temperaturesensor, Light, Slow Cooking,Duration, End, Time delay.10.6 Brightness of the displayThere are two modes of displaybrightness:• Night brightness - when the applianceis deactivated, the brightness of thedisplay is lower between 10 PM and 6AM.• Day brightness:– when the appliance is activated.– if you touch a sensor field duringthe night brightness (apart fromON / OFF), the display goes backto the day brightness mode forthe next 10 seconds.– if the appliance is deactivated andyou set the Minute Minder. Whenthe Minute Minder function ends,the display goes back to the nightbrightness.10.7 Cooling fanWhen the appliance operates, thecooling fan activates automatically tokeep the surfaces of the appliance cool.If you deactivate the appliance, thecooling fan can continue to operate untilthe appliance cools down.11. HINTS AND TIPSWARNING!Refer to Safety chapters.The temperature and bakingtimes in the tables areguidelines only. Theydepend on the recipes andthe quality and quantity ofthe ingredients used.11.1 Inner side of the doorIn some models, on the inner side ofthe door you can find:• the numbers of the shelf positions.• information about the oven functions,recommended shelf positions andtemperatures for typical dishes.11.2 Baking• Your oven can bake or roastdifferently to the appliance you hadbefore. Adapt your usual settings(temperature, cooking times) andshelf positions to the values in thetables.• The manufacturer recommends thatyou use the lower temperature thefirst time.• If you cannot find the settings for aspecial recipe, look for the one that isalmost the same.• You can extend baking times by 10 –15 minutes if you bake cakes on morethan one shelf position.• Cakes and pastries at differentheights do not always brown equallyat first. If this occurs, do not changethe temperature setting. Thedifferences equalize during thebaking procedure.• With longer baking times, you candeactivate the oven approximately 10minutes before the end of the bakingtime and then use the residual heat.When you cook frozen food, the trays inthe oven can twist during baking. Whenthe trays become cold again, thedistortions are