Baking results Possible cause RemedyCake browns unevenly Mixture is unevenly distributed Spread the mixture evenly onthe baking trayCake does not cook in the bak-ing time given Temperature too low Use a slightly higher oven set-tingBakes and gratinsDish Oven function Shelf position Temperature °C Time Hours:Mins.Pasta bake ConventionalCooking 1 180-200 0:45-1:00Lasagne ConventionalCooking 1 180-200 0:25-0:40Vegetables augratinTurbo Grill or TrueFan Cooking 1 160-170 0:15-0:30Baguettes toppedwith meltedcheeseTurbo Grill or TrueFan Cooking 1 160-170 0:15-0:30Sweet bakes ConventionalCooking 1 180-200 0:40-0:60Fish bakes ConventionalCooking 1 180-200 0:30-1:00Stuffed vegeta-blesTurbo Grill or TrueFan Cooking 1 160-170 0:30-1:00Roasting with Turbo GrillBeefType of meat Quantity Oven func-tion Shelf position Temperature°C Time mins.Pot roast 1-1.5 kg ConventionalCooking 1 230 120-150Roast beef or fil-let: rareper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grill 1 190-200 1) 5-6Roast beef or fil-let: mediumper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grill 1 180-190 1) 6-8Roast beef or fil-let: well doneper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grill 1 170-180 1) 8-101) Pre-heat the ovenPorkType of meat Quantity Oven func-tion Shelf position Temperature°C Time mins.Shoulder, neck,ham joint 1-1.5 kg Turbo Grill 1 160-180 90-120Helpful hints and tips 19