RoastingRoasting dishes• Use heat-resistant ovenware to roast (please read the instructions of the manufacturer).• Large roasting joints can be roasted directly in the deep pan (if present) or on the wireshelf above the deep pan.• Roast lean meats in a roasting tin with a lid. This will keep the meat more succulent.• All types of meat, that can be browned or have crackling, can be roasted in the roastingtin without the lid.Roasting with Turbo GrillingBeefType of meat Quantity Oven func-tionShelf posi-tionTemperature°F Time min.Pot roast 1 - 1.5 kg ConventionalCooking 1 450 120 - 150Roast beef or fil-let: rareper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grilling 1 380 - 400 1) 5 - 6Roast beef or fil-let: mediumper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grilling 1 360 - 380 1) 6 - 8Roast beef or fil-let: well doneper cm. ofthickness Turbo Grilling 1 340 - 360 1) 8 - 101) Preheat the ovenPorkType of meat Quantity Oven func-tionShelf posi-tionTemperature°F Time min.Shoulder, neck,ham joint 1 - 1.5 kg Turbo Grilling 1 320 - 360 90 - 120Chop, spare rib 1 - 1.5 kg Turbo Grilling 1 340 - 360 60 - 90Meat loaf 750 g - 1 kg Turbo Grilling 1 320 - 340 50 - 60Pork knuckle(precooked) 750 g - 1 kg Turbo Grilling 1 300 - 340 90 - 120VealType of meat Quantity Oven func-tionShelf position Temperature°FTime min.Roast veal 1 kg Turbo Grilling 1 320 - 360 90 - 120Knuckle ofveal1.5 - 2 kg Turbo Grilling 1 320 - 360 120 - 15022 Helpful hints and tips