• Do not use multi-plug adapters andextension cables.• Make sure not to cause damage to themains plug and to the mains cable.Contact the Service or an electrician tochange a damaged mains cable.• Do not let mains cables to come intouch with the appliance door, spe-cially when the door is hot.• The shock protection of live and insu-lated parts must be fastened in such away that it cannot be removed withouttools.• Connect the mains plug to the mainssocket only at the end of the installa-tion. Make sure that there is access tothe mains plug after the installation.• If the mains socket is loose, do notconnect the mains plug.• Do not pull the mains cable to discon-nect the appliance. Always pull themains plug.• Use only correct isolation devices: lineprotecting cut-outs, fuses (screw typefuses removed from the holder), earthleakage trips and contactors.• The electrical installation must have anisolation device which lets you discon-nect the appliance from the mains atall poles. The isolation device musthave a contact opening width of mini-mum 3 mm.2.2 UseWARNING!Risk of injury, burns or electricshock or explosion.• Use this appliance in a household en-vironment.• Do not change the specification of thisappliance.• Make sure that the ventilation open-ings are not blocked.• Do not let the appliance stay unatten-ded during operation.• Deactivate the appliance after eachuse.• Be careful when you open the appli-ance door while the appliance is in op-eration. Hot air can release.• Do not operate the appliance with wethands or when it has contact with wa-ter.• Do not apply pressure on the opendoor.• Do not use the appliance as a worksurface or as a storage surface.• Always keep the appliance doorclosed when the appliance is in opera-tion.• Open the appliance door carefully.The use of ingredients with alcoholcan cause a mixture of alcohol and air.• Do not let sparks or open flames tocome in contact with the appliancewhen you open the door.• Do not put flammable products oritems that are wet with flammableproducts in, near or on the appliance.WARNING!Risk of damage to the appliance.• To prevent damage or discoloration tothe enamel:– do not put ovenware or other ob-jects in the appliance directly on thebottom.– do not put aluminium foil directly onthe bottom of the appliance.– do not put water directly into the hotappliance.– do not keep moist dishes and foodin the appliance after you finish thecooking.– be careful when you remove or in-stall the accessories.• Discoloration of the enamel has no ef-fect on the performance of the appli-ance. It is not a defect in the sense ofthe warranty law.• Use a deep pan for moist cakes. Fruitjuices cause stains that can be perma-nent.2.3 Care and CleaningWARNING!Risk of injury, fire or damage tothe appliance.• Before maintenance, deactivate theappliance and disconnect the mainsplug from the mains socket.ENGLISH 5