11. WHAT TO DO IF…WARNING!Refer to the Safety chapters.Problem Possible cause RemedyThe appliance does notheat up.The appliance is deacti-vated.Activate the appliance.The appliance does notheat up.The clock is not set. Set the clock. Refer to"Setting the time".The appliance does notheat up.The necessary settingsare not set.Make sure that the set-tings are correct.The appliance does notheat up.The automatic cut-out isactivated.Refer to “Automaticswitch-off”.The appliance does notheat up.The fuse is released. Make sure that the fuseis the cause of the mal-function. If the fuse re-leases again and again,contact a qualified elec-trician.The lamp does not oper-ate.The lamp is defective. Replace the lamp.The display shows “C2”. You want to start the de-frost function, but youdid not remove the coretemperature sensor plugfrom the socket.Remove the core tem-perature sensor plugfrom the socket.The display shows an er-ror code that is not onthis list.There is an electricalfault.• Deactivate the appli-ance with the housefuse or the safetyswitch in the fuse boxand activate it again.• If the display showsthe error code again,contact the CustomerCare Department.If you cannot find a solution to the prob-lem yourself, contact your dealer or theservice centre.The necessary data for the service centreis on the rating plate. The rating plate ison the front frame of the appliance cavi-ty.We recommend that you write the data here:Model (MOD.) .........................................Product number (PNC) .........................................Serial number (S.N.) .........................................ENGLISH 31