35NAtUrAl GAs coNVErsIoNModel 49669Go-MNthis appliance is supplied set up to for lpG usage aconversion kit is included with the product for naturalgas usage the conversion kit contains 6 injectors andnatural gas stickerplease follow the procedure below if a conversion tosuit natural gas is required1 remove the hotplate trivets, burner caps and burnercrowns to access the hotplate injectors replace thefactory fitted injectors with the appropriate injectors,as supplied refer to injector orifice table for injectorsizes the injector size is stamped on the side ofthe injector2 turn on the gas supply and at each new connectioncheck for leaks using soapy water: each hotplatevalve should be turned on, one at a time, and theinjector hole blanked off for several seconds3 One by one, turn the knobs to minimum and adjustthe bypass screw (accessible when the knob isremoved) until a small stable flame results turn theknob to maximum and then back to minimum toensure that the correct minimum flameis maintained4 attach the natural gas sticker to the cooker, nearthe gas supply inlet cover the lpG label that isfactory fittedflame size adjusted to maximumflame size adjusted to minimumBypass screwcontrol knob shaft